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93 User im System
Rekord: 483
(01.04.2024, 01:34 Uhr)

Die bewährte Blutdruck-App

Coastweek - - THE CONTENTIOUS issue of the licensing of Villas was thoroughly discussed at a Board Meeting of The Hotels and Restaurants Authority held in Nairobi on May 13 and 14 when it was proposed that establishments, i.e. Villas operating with 'one bed and above' for paying guests also need to be registered and licensed.

Presently those needing to be registered and licensed are those with 'five beds and above', reports NETA PEAL.

If this 'proposed amendment' is accepted then the definition of 'hotel', as per The Hotels AND Restaurants Act. Cap 494, Laws of Kenya, needs to be changed.

Bisher benötigte man nur ab 5 Betten eine Genehmigung, nun soll diese bereits bei Vermietung von weniger als 5 Betten
nötig werden.


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